Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd House Gemini is known for a WebSaturn is very much at home here as it is the ancient ruler of the sign of Aquarius. 28 Scorpio 58 40 He then goes into your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries and cultures, Julie. I happen to have Aquarius at 21 degrees of Saturn in my chart, as well as my Ascendant at 13 Aquarius. Its hard work and time consuming. Hello Jessica. 19 Its always hard to end relationshipsespecially with people youve known forev. Anyone else perhaps :)). We can predict that the battle ends on March 8th 2023. I have Jupiter in Gemini at 27. Thank you for all you do. Some branches may not be there forever. She wants to visit this year, interstate, and I suspect its a farewell of sorts, which is fine except that for her, having had chemo and then travelling in a COVID rich environment is literally asking for it. With blessings, Alexia. i have copied in his chart. When Saturn changes signs, you are free, in that area of your life. You will make or save a fair bit of money by May 2023 and relaunch your title, appearance and reputation at the same time, so this suggests a professional or business gain made using your relaunched image, or expenditure on your brand for other reasons. What you have to give may be professional but it may also be something which is valuable, though not strictly speaking, your current job. With Saturns shift Ill need to devise coping strategies for my stelliums in Gemini, Leo and Virgo and North Node Pisces. I am glad you have been free of viruses since Long Covid. I dont know if my chart is still visible I am 3rd decan end of Cancer 22nd at 2.35pm birth 1965. so perhaps this is part of it I wont see the benefits if any till later on. Use 12 noon if there is no recorded birth time. The pressure you feel is actually more about your husband and the marriage than anything else. The biggest impact in 2023 is the end of the South Node in Scorpio which has kept you in a stuck situation with finance, property, business or charity. I also want to figure out the best period(s) for changing where I live by 2026 as I reach retirement where to hunker down? You cannot separate how you feel (physically and mentally) from your daily grind. Meanwhile, though, I have a lot of those Virgo factors you mentioned, including Virgo at 3 Uranus. Hopefully soon things can pick up and change for better, fingers crossed. With Saturn about to go into my 2H in Pisces, would that be a good transit for me? You may have been in a religion where pharmaceutical drugs were forbidden. If so, be careful, because you may unconsciously decide to expose yourself to Covid risks, and these days, that can mean Long Covid. Find out. Do not feel guilty about being off work. I hope so. A vision without manifestation is of no use but when the hard work of Saturn is applied to refine and perfect and implement the vision in the real world the two are a very powerful combination. Teenagers. Your issue is Saturn in Aquarius, which rules friends, but the cycle ends in March 2023. The other big ending is your four-year relationship. I have to find a balance and I guess this cycle will help me Thank so much Jessica. Or is this Mars retrograde firing up us all up? We are going to see global limitations and restrictions on health care and medical supplies in 2023, starting in March, and evident in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. As this is your grandson not mine, and your lives, not mine, go back to the card and meditate on the possible solutions and outcomes. If so, Saint Valentines Day (February 14th) 2024, 2025, 2026 takes place with Saturn going backwards and forwards in your solar Seventh House of marriage, common-law marriage, separation and divorce. I am so desperate to move jobs and have something much more fulfilling but everything I try blocks me in some way now we are at risk with our current job and it feels like so much pressure all the time. When this event takes place, it marks a period of maturity (the first Saturn return taking place right as you step into your thirties, the second one occurring as you move into your sixties, etc). The answer, deep down, lies in your resistance to paid work, housework, study and unpaid work. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. I feel guilty not working currently, yet fear is holding me back from figuring out what I want to do next. This will help to bring you back down to earth about what has been a long escape from the real world. A really basic solution with Saturn transits is to go back and find out what happened, and what you did right or wrong. I am sun cancer and keep hearing what a fabulous year it will be but it doesnt feel like it yet. Infants. Your work always fascinates and enlightens. Thank you so much x. Its good to be aware of how you honestly feel about work, housework, unpaid work, study and correct anything, rather than let it get to the point where you have symptoms which achieve things for you. What suggestions will you give to me? A change in the balance of power. I have an Aquarius stellium. None of this is new. I know you have said March , May and July are key months for change but it feels like I am stuck in an old record and it wont be any different. I was already feeling like moving in a specific direction. just re-posting my question from a couple of days ago. My company is having lay-offs and I am concerned about my job my husband and I both work in tech so the environment is very turbulent . Those restraints and thresholds will be replaced by a completely different situation, on March 24th 2023, when Pluto enters Aquarius. Your Aries stellium is really important as Jupiter in Aries transiting your First House until May 2023 gives you opportunities to improve your appearance, expand your presence online and increase your reputation. I have Saturn at 24 Leo, joined to Mars at 24 Cancer and Psyche in 23 Scorpio. You were born with this HS and it takes patience to work with. Then you ask the Tarot to suggest a way through or out. Hi Jessica, I am enjoying all your posts and really look forward to them. There are terrific opportunities, some very new, surrounding paid work, unpaid work and academia. Christians questioned God and the road to the Reformation began. I am a great fan of having readers look at Saturn and other archetypes through the lens of painting and sculpture from the Romans onwards as it often telegrams the meaning of the symbol. Do you see any changes coming up for me professionally this year ? Dreams. Jessica, Your son has some karma to finish with the family which ends in July 2023. During this time we are being asked to take some time away from our current life and think about the Im sun leo with saturn in 1st house naral. What happens in March and following means it will be necessary to have rules. They may be found as engineers designing bridges or highways or they may be found in the computer industry designing a new form of microchip or as figures in the leading edge of medicine. You cant separate yourself from the planet, even though you may not be personally affected. My husband and I moved into this house (that he has owned since 2015) in April of 2021. So balance is all. Putting your self-care first means you are in the best possible shape to deal with the challenge to change. Thank you My thanks to you for dealing with 16502 comments. Best wishes and thank you! Thank you for your guidance. I am sorry you were driven out of your own country. Saturn is in your solar Eighth House of wills, inheritance, legacies, property, business until March 2023 (if you are a Sun Cancer) in the sign of Aquarius. The Star. Virgo-Pisces is that kind of cycle. 05 Gemini 30 Different people and ideologies can team up for a common goal, given the chance. I am not sure why my questions/comments were deleted. You can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to doas long as youre honest with yourself. Thanks so much Jessica. I particularly found it comforting to read that we can work with this energy through patience/time vs just fear it. People who are workaholics refuse to take time out, so unconsciously give themselves headaches which require lying down for an hour listening to beach sound effects! We may all need to release a great deal in order to achieve this, but we will be rewarded with a clearer vision of The Good and a humanity that works together as a collective, instead of the estranged individuals that we have become. Both are concerning finances. Would it be kindly possible for you to look at my chart and advise regarding Saturns impact once it moves onto Pisces? Many Thanks ! Astrology is based on synchronicity. This has to be met with new rules, which will come naturally to you from March. Hi Jessica, I will follow your suggestion concerning healers/hypnotists and your insights have made me consider my allergy issue in a different way which will hopefully be helpful for the future. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. The Saturn transit is most important. You can minimise the issues by being aware of, say, religion before you sign up for any new commitments in March. Hi Jessica, How likely is it that as I read the comments above my chart is close to identical to the one posted with the exception of the moon, I had to do a double take and compare mine side by side. For those who are currently experiencing their Saturn return in Aquarius (varying from ages 27-30), youre likely used to challenging traditions, and now is the time where youre potentially be called to commit to some long-term changes. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication thought and speech, information processing and writing. Hi Jessica Thank you for the enlightenment you share with us. Sowe have remained in superficial contact only. So I just said well clearly we dont share the same god. So before March, try to make life simple and mimimal with relatives and property, but also religion (say) or self-help. This is where you are blocked and face barriers. would he be good in a managerial role? From this we also get chronology, chronological order and the idea of having to wait for things to change. Thanks in advance. Do you have any unconscious desire to have time off work, to leave work forever, to resign from life (even?) So can the never-ending crush on someone you are never going to be with! Elon Musk is a good example of this on Twitter in 2022. The house is old and has quite a few issues, some of which I think are negatively impacting my health. Hi Jessica, I have just had Saturn pass through my stellium of 8 in Aquarius and am then entering my 2nd Saturn Return as a Capricorn Sun with oppositions to Virgo in Pluto and Uranus. Clear dates are really helpful. I have 8 stelliums in Pisces, so how will this affect me? As well as my Mercury at 23*. Saturn and (something) together. Saturn will form a T-Square in transit to your Mercury-Saturn square so minimise the media, internet, publishing or educational projects and plans there so the stakes are lower. Fascinating post as usually. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. With Uranus and Pluto also in Virgo, there is a lifelong pattern of rejecting work (or study) but also being rejected. You will need to change your lifestyle. Word of advice: Keep an open mind. ASC Aquarius is about crews of people. Wondered, would you have time to take a look at my birth chart? It got me pretty teary as I look back at my saturn return in my late 20s and just think scorched earth all my hopes and dreams were ripped from me and I felt seriously suicidal. You are a Sun Cancer with Cancer, Scorpio and Gemini stelliums so this doesnt really affect you. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. I even started a work from home on the Internet about 2 years ago (officially established on 5/14/2021) when you posted in Taurus Weather 2021-2026 that it is possible only in a small window to do it made sense to me. I feel all is well right now, however I am still curious about this somehow. Hi Jessica Saturn stays in each zodiac sign for about two years. Remember Saturn in astrology is about restriction, limitation and being encircled, reaping what you sow, you would take extra time and extra care then. Trying a 3rd time in case I get lucky. So, for example, you are told there are wolves at the door of your apartment. There will be another one soon enough but it might be better for you. My brother has been suffering mental and physical challenges, family and professional issues too. Cheers, Kate. A few rules are not a bad thing when you have transiting Neptune in Pisces in your Twelfth House without anything to rein it in. Virgo is work ethic, but actually your primary issue is figuring out what youll do for the money or not. How do you feel about them? High-functioning autistic men are often in their own little world, but when we manage to reach them, they have gifts to possibly share. Your freedom is ring-fenced. It need not mean action over a will, it may simply be what is written down on paper, that has huge impact. Chiron conjunct Chiron at 12 Aries and opposing Uranus at 12 Libra transiting ascendant and desc is also at 12 Libra & Aries This content is imported from poll. May 20: Mars enters Leo. Social Media. Not working in smoke-permissive spaces and not having a smoker for a lover. Concerning communication,the internet, to start over. Nice man too. Thank you very much for this article. May 14: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus ends. He would like her to sell their flat which would make her virtually homeless My Saturn and Moon are in Virgo as is my Venus so Saturn in Pisces could show up some difficulties. As Saturn moves into the final degrees of a zodiac sign (like Aquarius) and more is known, the limits, restrictions and barriers start to look negotiable. On May 27, 1892 a tornado struck Wellington, leveling 100 homes and 17 businesses. There is a past life here where you may have been born into a dynasty with leadership given to you, but found it impossible to lead while dealing with a group. Today, Pisces is about spirituality as a whole, across all faiths. Particularly so from March 2023, please, and essentially so on your nodal return. He stands on the spot and then turns backwards through a sign. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. This is your cosmic wake-up call! You are not logged in, so I cant see that, but if you have a stellium in Virgo in your Sixth House, then remembering the last time Saturn in Pisces made a series of oppositions to that, will really help you in 2023-2026. Who or what you get yourself into in March should be wise and well-considered. My natal chart has Saturn at 6 Gemini, which squares Mercury at 6 Virgo what does this mean in general for me? Watch and learn. The man with Saturn in Aquarius is self-obsessed and has high self-esteem too. The same themes will repeat in 2023-2026, probably with Covid-19 but perhaps with other challenges for groups, clubs, bands, teams and communities. In 1992, AIDS became the leading cause of death for American men aged 25 to 44. I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. Do it from the heart. Conflict. When he leaves, we feel as if its Saturday, all the time. I am also looking for a good physic. The most relentless professional cycle in 248 years ends in March. I am so curious about the meanings of the planets, but also what each one means for each sun sign. Saturn in astrology often shows up for people who dont seem to use it. The sign of Aquarius has been associated with circles of people coming together for a common purpose, for centuries. What does the Saturn and North node being in Pisces mean in relation to my chart? Tragically, it was medically acquired and your partner passed away. Aries: Image. Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. You are a Sun Sagittarius woman with stelliums in Sagittarius and Virgo, two mutable signs (the other two are Pisces and Gemini). I use the Solar House system for sun sign work. The lofty, idealistic, and humanitarian nature of Aquarius brings out the best in Saturn, where the impulse to break down the self and burn away impurities becomes about as gentle and constructive as it can be. Thank you. You have been through the most extreme cycle in 248 years with your career, unpaid work or academic career. 08 Sagittarius 49 Ive mentioned before that I had Covid in 2020 and then long covid and have managed to keep completely virus and cold free since then. You are in a terrific position to find an answer when Jupiter trines your Virgo factors after May 2023 until May 2024. If your marriage is on the rocks, then Saturn will test you on February 14th of those years. Mercury In the 1990s it was about gay culture, but also any collective that united a wide range of people. Its the same now, and although there will be more personal issues for you to handle about your food, drink, medication, exercise and so on the general problem to solve is Covid. Together you and other friends can really transform things for the better. Yet, having put up with him for a long time somewhere else, you may feel as the Romans did, on Saturnalia. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. WebThe Saturn in Aquarius man are born leaders and have fresh ideas always dwelling in mind. I am certain Ive pulled that one for him before. Its hard to say without seeing a chart here, but it is possible you have Saturn in Leo, or Saturn aspecting your Sun in Leo and so have never wanted children or found them in your life. Could you enlighten me on how this may affect me? It is uncomfortable for me to talk about money, what to charge for my work. You know better now. Health. Outstanding success from May 2023 to May 2024. Prejudices were different back then. Capricorn in one book says it rules India and we know their influence. Are the forthcoming planetary movements, particularly Saturn, going to replace one set of challenges with another hopefully less challenging ones! In addition, my mother was also very ill and passed away this year. I only use the Natural House System having spent a long time testing it many years ago. Thank you and I am glad you follow me on Twitter I cannot see your name here as all comments are private, but I hope I follow you too. Thanks so much Also i want to add I am really enjoying the blog and website the astrology of the times is just fascinating! When Saturn is in a particular sign and house, by transit, we reap what we sow. he also has his north node in Pisces. Sex. Ironically it is this rejection dance with some jobs, some subjects, that sets your brother free and it can be quite liberating and exhilarating to realise you can break with the past, every time it happens. Overseas? This is the cycle when women make house or apartment commitments to divorced men with grown-up sons, who appear out of the blue. Capricorn: Position. These particular Valentine days present more restrictions, curbs and obstacles to you than usual. That was interesting data . If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Saturn sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details. There will be new rules and restrictions with the internet for you, and perhaps the media. Speak 1-on-1 with an astrology expert. It can represent our relationship to other members of our family too. You have stelliums in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn. This is usually a difference in values between yourself and a boyfriend (say) or your father (for example). In 2023 you will notice these conjunctions first. Thank you. He also has Panacea in Virgo and she is an ancient symbol of drugs and even fungi with pharmaceutical properties. Take your time as you figure out your next move. Hi Jessica, Im a cancer sun sign and Saturn In Aquarius has been quite rough to say the least, could you please give me some insight on how Saturn changing signs will affect me? His current condition is better than 2021 but not well enough to be able to secure a new job. I know I have a stellium in Virgo but the dutiful daughter trope only travels so far with this relationship. Read the testimonials. The longer you wait, the more you find out. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. So have a look at what you need to do, from March. Saturn transits tend to block us and stop us, so that we have to come up with a different strategy. You can learn astrology at The Sun Sign School on this website with some brilliant tutors. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. Thank you so much. 37 Transiting IC at 28 Virgo sextile Aesculapia at 28 Scorpio. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! It is a big part of who you are and the South Node moving into Libra from July 2023 will bring back karma from 18 or 19 years before, again with a duet or duel in your life then. There are no wolves. Apollo was much imitated in Rome. So important that we get to have such a detailed preview of the Saturn transit dear Jessica! I would love your advice as my first saturn return was so bad that the consequences still effect family relationships today (although much diminished thankfully). You may have to take it. And on it goes. well happy 2023cjb. It becomes more important, when tied into aspects to other factors. Thanks to you I am more interested in astrology. Its solitary, invisible and insular but also just as important as anything else in your life. Not just the home, but also the family will find far more freedom as a result. The emails, telephone calls, paperwork or plans with friends, in and around your social circle, will be blocked. Virgo rules the Sixth House of your chart and that describes your physical state. He has a huge Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work and wellbeing. This is very much the housework, paid work, unpaid work or study that requires daily attention, but also your health on every level and how it affects your ability to be of service and do your duty, as in astrology we do not separate the maid of all work from her wellness, or otherwise.