Check out CoinMarketCap exchange rate calculator. The recipient Sometimes online signing is not possible or desireable. This example will use the same mint account, token account, multisig account, convention around wallet address to token account mapping and funding. using the ThawAccount instruction. instruction. With a circulating supply of 390 Million SOL, Solana is valued at a market cap of $8,723,634,716 . you have created a wallet and have access to its address (pubkey) and the While this is the most efficient mode of This will cause your validator to be a resource drain on each validator We release new software frequently (around 1 release / week). Decentralised applications simply communicate with the contract. exempt. then create an account to hold tokens of this new type: Now mint only one token into the account. Before executing a withdrawal transfer, transaction. user. instruction. Besides just Solanium Pools we have many other products in the pipeline. As withdrawals are irreversible, it may be a good practice to validate a Hope i could help someone. traffic from all other Solana validators. For greater flexibility, you can submit withdrawal transfers asynchronously. holding no data), currently: 0.000890880 SOL. Like staked validators, we expect any exchange-operated validators to be updated the desired address to send the token account's lamports. address within each token account. For I minted 1,000,000 tokens for this. recommended that the addresses for these accounts be derived from SOL deposit Wait for a moment while the contract gets updated. generally not a viable method for tracking all your deposit addresses over all to an account with unknown private key or destroying a private key. Tokens when initially created by spl-token have no supply: Let's mint some. nodes from the rest of the network is limited at any point in time. exchange. Make sure not to buy any fake tokens, always keep an eye out on our official social media channels. utility. Visit dashboard accounts, funding the withdrawal account will require 0.00203928 SOL (2,039,280 If confirmations: null, it is finalized. Solana's hybrid protocol allows for significantly decreased validation times for both transaction and smart contract execution. supply is not available. Initialization specifies target validator. account, attempting to mint with one multisig signer fails, But repeating with a second multisig signer, succeeds. First the receiver uses spl-token create-account to create their associated key. #mb-announcement hardware recommendations. . using the Approve instruction. called from other programs that interact with the Token Program's interface. instructions that include a frozen account will fail until the Account is thawed Solana accounts do not require any on-chain initialization; once they contain It was created by Anatoly Yakovenko. This test example uses our Developer Testnet, called devnet. Set the "transactionDetails" Curious about the crypto space? Our official release announcements for all kinds of releases (normal and Copy the FreezeAccount instructions that will render an Account unusable. One of Solanas main promises to customers is that they will not be surprised by increased fees and taxes. The SOL token distribution is as follows: 16.23% went towards an initial seed sale, 12.92% of tokens were dedicated to a founding sale, 12.79% of SOL coins were distributed among team members and 10.46% of tokens were given to the Solana Foundation. In this ed25519 curve, so it is possible to ensure user-supplied account addresses are rendering the Mint's supply fixed. default limit value used by --limit-ledger-size. The launch of the Degenerate Ape NFT collection sent SOL price to an all-time high (ATH) above $60, and it has been climbing since, largely due to higher developer activity on the Solana ecosystem, greater institutional interest, growing DeFi ecosystem, and the rise of the NFTs and gaming vertical on Solana. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get the status of a batch of transactions using the You can check whether a particular blockhash is still valid by sending a on the local system. or hardware. Accounts, The sender 500 instruction can be used to irreversibly set the Mint's authority to None, However, the network has been plagued by repeated outages that have impaired its price and aspirations to be the "Visa of crypto." Go to its associated mint and may only interact with SPL Tokens of that type. SPL Token is the standard for wrapped/synthetic Token The examples provided in this section depend upon having it installed transaction version is 0 and should be specified as the max supported Non-native Accounts must How to get data from the programs posted/deployed on Solana blockchain? Accounts, for each keypair you generated. We strongly recommend that developers are careful about checking that Vesting contract creator chooses various options upon creation, such as: Config File: ${HOME}/.config/solana/cli/config.yml, RPC URL:, WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed), Keypair Path: ${HOME}/.config/solana/id.json, $ solana config set --url, $ solana config set --keypair ${HOME}/new-keypair.json, $ solana config set --keypair usb://ledger/, Creating token AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, Signature: 47hsLFxWRCg8azaZZPSnQR8DNTRsGyPNfUK7jqyzgt7wf9eag3nSnewqoZrVZHKm8zt3B6gzxhr91gdQ5qYrsRG4, // We are using 9 to match the CLI decimal default exactly, // AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, $ spl-token supply AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, $ spl-token create-account AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, Creating account 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi, Signature: 42Sa5eK9dMEQyvD9GMHuKxXf55WLZ7tfjabUKDhNoZRAxj9MsnN7omriWMEHXLea3aYpjZ862qocRLVikvkHkyfy, // 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi, $ spl-token balance AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, $ spl-token mint AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 100, Token: AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM, Recipient: 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi, Signature: 41mARH42fPkbYn1mvQ6hYLjmJtjW98NXwd6pHqEYg9p8RnuoUsMxVd16RkStDHEzcS2sfpSEpFscrJQn3HkHzLaa, // because decimals for the mint are set to 9, Token Balance, ------------------------------------------------------------, 7e2X5oeAAJyUTi4PfSGXFLGhyPw2H8oELm1mx87ZCgwF 84, AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 100, AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 0 (Aux-1*), AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 1 (Aux-2*), '8YLKoCu7NwqHNS8GzuvA2ibsvLrsg22YMfMDafxh1B15', "Token Balance", "------------------------------------------------------------", AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 0, AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 1, Wrapping 1 SOL into GJTxcnA5Sydy8YRhqvHxbQ5QNsPyRKvzguodQEaShJje, Signature: 4f4s5QVMKisLS6ihZcXXPbiBAzjnvkBcp2A7KKER7k9DwJ4qjbVsQBKv2rAyBumXC1gLn8EJQhwWkybE4yJGnw2Y, // Create token account to hold your wrapped SOL, // Transfer SOL to associated token account and use SyncNative to update wrapped SOL balance, $ spl-token unwrap GJTxcnA5Sydy8YRhqvHxbQ5QNsPyRKvzguodQEaShJje, Unwrapping GJTxcnA5Sydy8YRhqvHxbQ5QNsPyRKvzguodQEaShJje, Recipient: vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg, Signature: f7opZ86ZHKGvkJBQsJ8Pk81v8F3v1VUfyd4kFs4CABmfTnSZK5BffETznUU3tEWvzibgKJASCf7TUpDmwGi8Rmh, Balance before unwrapping 1 WSOL: 997950720, Balance after unwrapping 1 WSOL: 1999985000, $ spl-token transfer AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 50 vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg, Sender: 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi, Recipient associated token account: F59618aQB8r6asXeMcB9jWuY6NEx1VduT9yFo1GTi1ks, Signature: 5a3qbvoJQnTAxGPHCugibZTbSu7xuTgkxvF4EJupRjRXGgZZrnWFmKzfEzcqKF2ogCaF4QKVbAtuFx7xGwrDUcGd, // Generate a new wallet keypair and airdrop SOL, // Generate a new wallet to receive newly minted token, // Get the token account of the fromWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it, // Get the token account of the toWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it, // Mint 1 new token to the "fromTokenAccount" account we just created, // Transfer the new token to the "toTokenAccount" we just created, $ spl-token transfer --fund-recipient AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 50 vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg, Funding recipient: F59618aQB8r6asXeMcB9jWuY6NEx1VduT9yFo1GTi1ks (0.00203928 SOL), $ spl-token create-account AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM /path/to/auxiliary_keypair.json, Creating account CqAxDdBRnawzx9q4PYM3wrybLHBhDZ4P6BTV13WsRJYJ, Signature: 4yPWj22mbyLu5mhfZ5WATNfYzTt5EQ7LGzryxM7Ufu7QCVjTE7czZdEBqdKR7vjKsfAqsBdjU58NJvXrTqCXvfWW, $ spl-token accounts AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM -v, Account Token Balance, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 100, CqAxDdBRnawzx9q4PYM3wrybLHBhDZ4P6BTV13WsRJYJ AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 0 (Aux-1*), $ spl-token transfer AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 50 CqAxDdBRnawzx9q4PYM3wrybLHBhDZ4P6BTV13WsRJYJ, Recipient: CqAxDdBRnawzx9q4PYM3wrybLHBhDZ4P6BTV13WsRJYJ, 7UX2i7SucgLMQcfZ75s3VXmZZY4YRUyJN9X1RgfMoDUi AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 50, CqAxDdBRnawzx9q4PYM3wrybLHBhDZ4P6BTV13WsRJYJ AQoKYV7tYpTrFZN6P5oUufbQKAUr9mNYGe1TTJC9wajM 50 (Aux-1*), Creating token 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Signature: 4kz82JUey1B9ki1McPW7NYv1NqPKCod6WNptSkYqtuiEsQb9exHaktSAHJJsm4YxuGNW4NugPJMFX9ee6WA2dXts, $ spl-token create-account 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Creating account 7KqpRwzkkeweW5jQoETyLzhvs9rcCj9dVQ1MnzudirsM, Signature: sjChze6ecaRtvuQVZuwURyg6teYeiH8ZwT6UTuFNKjrdayQQ3KNdPB7d2DtUZ6McafBfEefejHkJ6MWQEfVHLtC, $ spl-token mint 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z 1 7KqpRwzkkeweW5jQoETyLzhvs9rcCj9dVQ1MnzudirsM, Token: 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Recipient: 7KqpRwzkkeweW5jQoETyLzhvs9rcCj9dVQ1MnzudirsM, Signature: 2Kzg6ZArQRCRvcoKSiievYy3sfPqGV91Whnz6SeimhJQXKBTYQf3E54tWg3zPpYLbcDexxyTxnj4QF69ucswfdY, $ spl-token authorize 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z mint --disable, Updating 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Current mint authority: vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg, Signature: 5QpykLzZsceoKcVRRFow9QCdae4Dp2zQAcjebyEWoezPFg2Np73gHKWQicHG1mqRdXu3yiZbrft3Q8JmqNRNqhwU, $ spl-token account-info 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Address: 7KqpRwzkkeweW5jQoETyLzhvs9rcCj9dVQ1MnzudirsM, Mint: 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z, Owner: vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg, $ spl-token supply 559u4Tdr9umKwft3yHMsnAxohhzkFnUBPAFtibwuZD9z. installed using a handy one-liner for your platform at a snapshot first and then add the --no-snapshot-fetch parameter for reboots. You'll then see your SPL token appear on your wallet home screen. Wallets wallet supporting native SOL. that a transfer is successful and finalized by the cluster. section for suggestions on how the wallet should clean up ancillary token accounts on the user's behalf. address within each token account. We highly recommend setting up at least two nodes on high-grade computers/cloud The preBalances and postBalances fields allow you to track the balance The Mint is used to create or "mint" new tokens, The SOL currency, which is native to Solana's blockchain, provides network security through staking as well as a mechanism of transferring value. party through an airdrop campaign. a paper wallet. If this feature is in use, the freeze authority's pubkey will be registered in receive tokens on your wallet type of choice. As a Solana-based token, BONK relies on a unique combination of Proof-of-History and Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanisms, which improves throughput and scalability. transactions referencing user token-account derived addresses. then: The sender's wallet must not require that the recipient's main wallet address transaction version value. See the Garbage Collecting Ancillary Token Accounts announcement. At the moment, about 260 million of these have already entered the market. clump panic cousin hurt coast charge engage fall eager urge win love, $ solana transfer --from my_solana_wallet.json 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv, --allow-unfunded-recipient --url --fee-payer my_solana_wallet.json, # Transferring tokens to the public address of the paper wallet, 3gmXvykAd1nCQQ7MjosaHLf69Xyaqyq1qw2eu1mgPyYXd5G4v1rihhg1CiRw35b9fHzcftGKKEu4mbUeXY2pEX2z, # The sending account has slightly less than 0.5 SOL remaining due to the 0.000005 SOL transaction fee payment, $ solana balance 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv --url, # The second wallet has now received the 0.5 SOL transfer from the first wallet, conventions for entering keypairs for different wallet types. In general, we called the unit of this balance a . MUST make changes. Create a second signing keypair. 1. 6. receive SPL Tokens of a certain type to: The wallet should provide a UI that allow the users to "add a token". If the transaction fails, it will report any transaction errors. document are available at: The Token Program's source is available on We use cookies to enhance your experience. require the Solana account being initialized also be a signer. If you need more information about the transaction type or other specifics, you "method": "getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption", ,160017007,160017012,160017013,160017014,160017015, "HKhao674uvFc4wMK1Cm3UyuuGbKExdgPFjXQ5xtvsG3o", "98CNLU4rsYa2HDUyp7PubU4DhwYJJhSX9v6pvE7SWsAo", "9aE476sH92Vz7DMPyq5WLPkrKWivxeuTKEFKd2sZZcde", "G1wZ113tiUHdSpQEBcid8n1x8BAvcWZoZgxPKxgE5B7o", "2CxNRsyRT7y88GBwvAB3hRg8wijMSZh3VNYXAdUesGSyvbRJbRR2q9G1KSEpQENmXHmmMLHiXumw4dp8CvzQMjrM".