Office 304, Hor Al Anz East, Deira, Dubai.

MTN-LIMS™ is a LAB operation management solution designed to streamline.

For a large, multi-warehouse corporate distribution organization helping user to raise distribution businesses to the next level in performance and competitiveness.

MTN-WMS™ can optimize operations by dramatically increasing efficiency, improving accuracy, and enhancing customer service.

MTN-WMS™ leverages RF (Radio Frequency) technologies. The system is modular, allowing a partial as well as phased implementation and customization options. Moreover, MTN-WMS™ comes integrated with MTN-Label™ to create and print barcode labels of user choice.

Optimized Warehouse Management

 MTN-WMS™ virtually eliminates inefficient and sometimes inaccurate paperwork in inventory control, goods transferring, goods receiving, and price verification, thereby increasing profits while improving customer service. In addition, powerful capabilities such as RF (Radio Frequency) communications and mobile barcode scanning help streamline operations and improve productivity.

Employees are more productive, errors are reduced, and managers can monitor employee activities and allocate resources more efficiently. As a result, the merchandise can be received, stocked, and shipped faster and more accurately than ever before.

Improved Operations

Enhanced Service

Improved Operations

More cost-effective operations are made possible through a combination of powerful scanning devices, advanced capabilities, and full integration with back-end ERP.

  • Increase speed and productivity with portable, handheld scanning devices that eliminate cumbersome paper work
  • Increase distribution accuracy dramatically with the use of mobile barcode scanners for receiving, transferring, inventory count, and price verification
  • Improve management through comprehensive, productivity reports to
  1. Enhanced Service

Customer relationships are strengthened because customers receive the service they expect, even for rush orders.

  • Improve service with timely call-backs regarding available merchandize
  • Build confidence with customers and buyers through improved accuracy in inventory reports, since all goods are scanned as they enter and leave the warehouse
  • Manage rush orders more efficiently and

Solution Overview

      Following are the ZWMS warehouse management solution modules and related description:

System Modules (Frontend-Device)

MTN-WMS™ – Frontend Users

 Two types of users are authorized to operate the frontend device, subjected to the permissions granted to the users. These two users are;

  1. Administrator
  2. Inventor

Database Settings

Database settings module is to connect the device database with backend server database. Below screen shows how to set the database parameters. Administrator is the authorized person to set the parameters.

Initialize Device

 Initialize Device feature will create the local database for device and to ensure the successful registration of user and the device registration with the backend.

Data Download

 Master  data  from  the  backend  application  will  be  imported  to  the  device  using

Download data feature by administrator.

Upload Data

 After performing inventory, data from device can be uploaded to the backend application using upload Data feature .Inventor has the right to upload the data.

Clear All Transactions

 ZWMS provide the feature to clear the transactions from device, if required at any stage. Administrator or supervisor has the authority to clear the transactions using the button in the main menu of frontend application.

Stock Receiving

 Stock receiving module is to receive the stock without any Purchase Order in a specific warehouse location .The stock after receiving in the device will be uploaded to the backend application

PO Receiving

 PO receiving process is similar to the Stock Receiving, but PO receiving is in accordance with the Purchase Order created from the backend application. So  a  specific  Purchase  Order  has  to  be  selected  from  different  purchase   orders in this form. Then specify other information i.e.  Supplier, warehouse location, item, price etc Inventor has the permission to receive the stock as per Purchase Order.

Stock Movement

In stock movement module, Inventor can move the stock from one location to another location within a particular warehouse.

Stock Issuing

 Using Stock Issue module, inventor can issue or transfer the stock to customer.

Label Print

 ZWMS  facilitates  the  user  to  print  the  labels  with  item  barcodes;  using  device

Inventor can print the labels, by entering/scanning the barcode of items and specifying the quantity of labels.

Warehouse Inventory

 This frontend device module is used to control and track the quantity of items in the warehouse. It updates the backend stock database with physical count. The collected data helps in orders analysis, item movement, and market analysis as well.

For warehouse Inventory, the user can scan Barcode of an item in the warehouse.  The scanned barcode is verified with item master file loaded onto the deviec database. If the item exists in the master file; its description, price, and quantity on- hand is displayed, otherwise an alert message is triggered informing the user of “item not found” status.

The user can manually input the counted quantity of the item or let the system automatically increment the last accumulated quantity by one unit after each barcode scan activity. The accumulated quantity of each item is recorded in the database of the device and reported to the backend system.

System Modules (Backend) [Optional]

System Security

ZWMS ensure the security of the users by providing the user authentication. Different roles have set of permissions granted by administrator to access the system modules and to operate the application in accordance with the permissions granted to them.

Master Data

 Master data in ZWMS is based on warehouses and suppliers of the company.

Company Information

This section of ZWMS entail information about company, its business, address, its country wide or worldwide branches, hierarchical structure of the company


 A complete portfolio of products will be added to this section, including comprehensive information about the products and their categorization, physical features, their location where they are placed in a specific warehouse location.

Using this module, you can control Item features in the front end i.e. lock/unlock items to be used in front end or whether a specific item is discountable, exchangeable/returnable. It will also maintain the pricing history of items.


Employee Database of company will be maintained here in this module. Employee categories/groups can be defined for further ease to understand the huge database of employees.

Each employee would be linked to a user and warehouse.

Transactions Master

Purchase Order

Purchase order creation will takes place here in this module

PO Receiving

PO Receiving based on the PO created

Direct Receiving

Without purchase order, stock can be received from supplier by Direct Receiving module.

Warehouse Transfer

Warehouse transfer is to transfer stock from one warehouse to another. This will takes places through this module.

Stock Movement

You can move stock from one warehouse location to another location within same warehouse, with the help of Stock Movement module.

Stock Issuance

MTN-WMS backend also provide the feature, so administrator can issue stock to customer from any warehouse location. Administrator can issue or deliver stock to customers, using this module of Stock Issuance.

Item Return

Stock can be returned back to supplier anytime due to any reason with the help of  this module .Specify the warehouse and supplier, add the items to be returned back,

Reorder Stock

 Items that are soon going to be ended in the stock will be re ordered anytime from the   Reorder Stock module. Select the warehouse and then select items inside the warehouse to reorder.

Warehouse Inventory

Inventory will be created from backend module, inventory items can be added from backend too. Once the inventory is created, data will be downloaded to device, so the open inventories (not posted) will be downloaded into the device.


  This section comprise of following modules

Reports Designer

MTN-WMS also provide the feature to customize the report’s design according to the need

i.e changing font size, color, text position, background color etc.

Label Printing

 Label printing feature facilitates the user to print labels for item barcode, item pricing list,      customer and location.

Admin Tools

 Administrator can restore, backup complete database, also to delete transactions     (invoices, invoice items, receipts, POS Days, Customer balance).

  Reset data command can also be done through this module.

Frontend device will be configured through Device Configuration module i.e. registration of the frontend module with backend, will be takes place here.

All the modules in frontend are controllable through the device parameter module inside Admin Tools i.e. to show/hide any module in frontend or to rename any field in any of the modules in frontend.


Anytime, inventory reports can be viewed .Inventory report will show the difference between physical and actual quantity.